2019.02.26 서울대학교 (박사)
2012.08.24 고려대학교 (학사)
Predicting Diversification Scores of Videos in Recommendation Network, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 제238호 , 2024.03.15
Predicting Continuity of Online Conversations on Reddit, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS , 제79권(집) , 2023.04.01
Binary Code Representation with Well-balanced Instruction Normalization, IEEE Access , 제11권(집) , PP.29183~29198 , 2023.03.20
Preventing Rumor Spread with Deep Learning, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 제197권(집) , 2022.07.01
Social networking services as new venue for public perceptions of energy issues: The case of Paris agreement, Energy Strategy Reviews , 제39권(집) , 2022.01.01
FibVID: Comprehensive Fake News Diffusion Dataset during the COVID-19 Period, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS , 제64권(집) , 2021.11.01
Development of a Machine Learning Model Using Multiple, Heterogeneous Data Sources to Estimate Weekly US Suicide Fatalities, JAMA network open , 제3권(집) , 제12호 , 2020.12.23
Exploring public perceptions of renewable energy: Evidence from a word network model in social network services, Energy Strategy Reviews , 제32권(집) , PP.100552~100552 , 2020.11.01
Understanding customers' hotel revisiting behaviour: a sentiment analysis of online feedback reviews, Current Issues in Tourism , 제23권(집) , 제5호 , PP.605~611 , 2020.02.01
Rumor Propagation is Amplified by Echo Chambers in Social Media, Scientific Reports , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , 2020.01.15
Who drives successful online conversations? Unveiling the role of first user response, KYBERNETES , 제49권(집) , 제3호 , PP.876~884 , 2020.01.01